Tuesday, May 27, 2008


I'm creating this blog because I need to scream. Even if it gets lost immediately among the millions already screaming their opinions into the void, I need to say how I feel because if I don't it's just going to eat me alive.

Right now, I want to scream because the world is so fucking unfair and there's nothing I can do about it. I see the people who are willfully ignorant, the people who are aware but apathetic and I don't want to be either of those people. I feel like we're ants and the people with power are the children with magnifying glasses.

It's always about fucking power. It's true in nature and it's true in society. The strong devour the weak, and all the weak can do is run away.

I don't want to run away. But fighting seems equally impossible.

Those fucking assholes. Or maybe that's just how life is; oppressive for anybody who isn't at the top of the food chain.

I don't want my dream of coexistence to die. But it seems so incompatible with this world. Baby steps, eh?

I guess learning all of this shit is part of growing up.

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