Wednesday, May 28, 2008


So here' s something I just realized about human nature, and like most pieces of wisdom it comes directly from nature.

There are three ways in which species interact. The first is mutualism, where both species benefit (like the clown fist and sea anemone, or bees and flowers. The second is commensialism, where one species benefits and the other is not significantly affected (like birds building their nests in a tree, or remoras hitching a ride on sharks). The third is parasitism, where one species benefits from harm done to the other species (like predators or tapeworms).

The human equivalent of a mutualist is a store owner, or a couple in a loving relationship. Both parties provide benefit to one another.

The human equivalent of a commensialist is a people watcher, or a beggar. The commensialist derives benefit at virtually no cost to the other party.

The human equivalent of a parasite is a thief, a polluter or someone who does not honor their debts. Parasites get benefit by causing harm to others.

The way I've approached life up to this point is attempting to have a symbiotic relationship with everybody, but that's clearly a poor strategy given the varying strategies with which people approach relationships. Ideally we would all be mutualists, but as long as people are willing to trust strangers there will be commensialists and parasites.

The moral? When interacting with someone try to determine which one of the three approaches they are taking. Mutualists are great. Commensialists aren't really worth your time. Parasites can burn in hell.

PS One could argue we are all parasites in regards to animals and developing countries, and I would have to agree. But I'm still going to say fuck you to anybody who tries to feed off of me.

PS 2 Watch Zeitgeist the movie. ASAP.

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